
Japanese page

Characteristics of nutrients

  • Mass minerals
  • Intracellular (potassium) and extracellular (sodium) are kept constant by osmotic pressure
  • Many of the potassium exists in the cell
  • Potassium is easily lost in the summer (runoff with sweat)

Function of nutrients

  • Suppress blood pressure rise
  • Promote excretion of waste products that are prone to accumulate in the kidney
  • Help muscle contraction

When nutrients are deficient

  • Although it will not be deficient by ordinary meals, because it flows out with a lot of sweat, urine, etc., attention is required in the summer etc.
  • Cause of hypertension, swelling
  • Vomiting, deficiency due to diarrhea (anorexia, nausea)
  • Muscle cramps etc

When nutrients overdose

  • Do not worry about excessive because it is excreted outside the body together with urine
  • When the function of the liver is declining, there is a possibility of causing hyperkalemia etc.

Food that contains a lot of Potassium

FoodstuffIngredient per 100g (mg)
Chopped kelp8200
Instant coffee3600
Dried daikon radish (dried)3500
Dried tomatoes3200
Green tea2700
Kale juice2300
Red beans (dried)1300
Bunashimeji (fried)570


  • Maintain balance with sodium (osmotic pressure)
  • It has the effect of promoting excretion of sodium and lowering blood pressure
  • Improve muscle work
  • Because it flows with sweat and urine, be careful of deficiency in summer
  • Lack of weakness and loss of appetite
  • Even if you ingest it excessively, it is discharged in urine
  • Care must be taken because the discharge becomes difficult if renal function decreases
  • The ratio between sodium and potassium is 1: 2 ideal