For English

Examine the ingredients

  1. Vegetables / fruits
  2. Seafood
  3. Meat
  4. Dairy products and eggs
  5. Processed foods
  6. Seasoning
  7. Literary calendar
  8. Japanese and Kanji notation of ingredients

Examine the recipe

  1. 煮物
  2. 酢物
  3. 蒸物
  4. 和え物
  5. 揚物
  6. 鍋料理
  7. 汁物
  8. 出汁・たれ・ソース
  9. 調理師の覚書

Examine from the photo

  1. All photos

Examine nutrients

  1. 35 kinds of nutrients
  2. Meal intake standard table by age(of Japanese)

Examine food poisoning

  1. Types and symptoms of food poisoning
  2. Types and symptoms of parasites

Cooking basics

  1. Point of cooking
  2. Tbsp / teas weight (g)
  3. 料理の専門用語
  4. 冷凍と解凍のコツ

Japanese notation list

  1. Vegetables & fruits
  2. Seafood
  3. 調味料
  4. 35 kinds of nutrients