


Boiled Tosa of taro





調味料 分量  割合
出汁 130 cc 13
薄口醤油 5 cc 0.5
濃口醤油 5 cc 0.5
砂糖 5 g 0.5
みりん 10 1


里芋 良く洗い、泥を落とす






  1. 里芋をボウルにいれ、塩もみする
  2. サッと水で流し、ぬめりを取る
  3. 鍋に米のとぎ汁と里芋を入れ、火にかける
  4. 沸騰したら、中火にして竹串がスッと通るまで茹でる
  5. 火から下ろし、流水にさらす
  6. 里芋をよく洗い、ヌメリを取り除く


  1. 鍋に調味料を入れ、里芋を入れる
  2. 火にかけ、沸騰直前に弱火にする
  3. 弱火で約5~10分程度煮る
  4. 火を止め、仕上げにかつお節を揉みながら入れる







  1. 里芋をよく洗う
  2. 鍋に里芋と水と塩を入れ沸騰させる
  3. 10分~15分程度茹でたら、ザルに上げる
  4. 熱いうちに皮を剥く


失敗 原因 解決方法
硬い 煮不足 もう一度、火にかける
柔らかい 煮すぎ 水気を切り、二次利用する
味が薄い 調味料不足 何が足りないかを判断して、調味料を入れ、もう一度火にかける
味が濃い 分量間違い
焦げた 火が強い
甘い 分量間違い 水を足して醤油を入れる


Japanese page
Nutrient content per 100 g

Delicious season


* Display the yearly calendar with each number

Commentary on vegetables

  • There are thousands of apples in the world
  • In Japan, half of the varieties are “Fuji”, followed by “Tsugaru”, “Wang Lin”, “Jonagold”, etc.
  • Depending on the variety, the season is from autumn to winter.
  • High nutritional value such as vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber
  • Low calorie and has antioxidant and anti-aging effects
  • If it is too cold, the aroma and sweetness will stop.
  • Japanese apples are not waxed
  • Glossy is a “wax substance” that the apple itself has put out to prevent drying
  • Apples ripen the fruits in the same bag because they generate ethylene gas
  • Apple helps reduce potato germination
  • The part called dense is not sweet, but it is delicious with evidence that the apple itself is ripe

Good things to eat together

  • Constipation elimination = pineapple, Janese-honeywort, Chinese yam
  • Obesity prevention = konjac, wakame, enoki
  • Aging prevention = tomato, broccoli, Bok Choy

Preservation method

  • Store in a plastic bag in the vegetable room
  • Perishable when there is a temperature difference


  • Apple compote
  • Apple Pie
  • Grilled apple
  • Apple jam

Food composition table

Per 100g edible portion


Waste rate 8%
Energy 61㎉
moisture 83.1g
Protein 0.2g
Lipid 0.3g
Carbohydrate 16.2g
Potassium 120㎎
Calcium 4㎎
Magnesium 5㎎
Rin 12㎎
iron 0.1㎎
Zinc 0.1㎎
Copper 0.05㎎
Manganese 0.04㎎
Molybdenum 1㎍
Vitamin A(Retinol)
Vitamin A(β-carotene) 22㎍
Vitamin D
Vitamin E(Tocopherol α) 0.4㎎
Vitamin K 2㎍
Vitamin B1 0.02㎎
Vitamin B2 0.01㎎
Niacin 0.1㎎
Vitamin B6 0.04㎎
Vitamin B12
Folic acid 3㎍
Pantothenic acid 0.05㎎
Biotin 0.7㎍
Vitamin C 6㎎
Dietary fiber(aggregate amount) 1.9g

Quoted from the Japanese food standard composition table 2015 edition



Japanese page
Nutrient content per 100 g

Delicious season


* Display the yearly calendar with each number

Commentary on vegetables

  • Vitamin C is about twice as much as citrus fruits
  • Carotene is equivalent to peppers
  • Synergistic effect of carotene and vitamin C prevents rough skin and colds
  • Astringency is sometimes returned by heating

Good things to eat together

  • Promotion of blood circulation = cucumber, spinach
  • Gastrointestinal strengthening = chinese cabbage
  • Aging prevention = tomato, potato
  • Prevention of obesity = wakame

Preservation method

  • Put the moistened paper on the leaf part, put it in the bag and save it in the refrigerator with the leaves part down.
  • It can be frozen whether it is circled, peeled, pureed or not


  • Vinegared

Food composition table

Per 100g edible portion


Waste rate 9%
Energy 60㎉
moisture 83.1g
Protein 0.4g
Lipid 0.2g
Carbohydrate 15.9g
Sodium 1㎎
Potassium 170㎎
Calcium 9㎎
Magnesium 6㎎
Rin 14㎎
iron 0.2㎎
Zinc 0.1㎎
Copper 0.03㎎
Manganese 0.5㎎
Chromium 1㎍
Molybdenum 1㎍
Vitamin A(Retinol)
Vitamin A(β-carotene) 160㎍
Vitamin D
Vitamin E(Tocopherol α) 0.1㎎
Vitamin K
Vitamin B1 0.03㎎
Vitamin B2 0.02㎎
Niacin 0.3㎎
Vitamin B6 0.06㎎
Vitamin B12
Folic acid 18㎍
Pantothenic acid 0.28㎎
Biotin 2.0㎍
Vitamin C 70㎎
Dietary fiber(aggregate amount) 1.6g

Quoted from the Japanese food standard composition table 2015 edition



Japanese page
Nutrient content per 100 g

Delicious season


* Display the yearly calendar with each number

Commentary on vegetables

  • Place of origin is tropical America (subtropical region)
  • Production countries are Brazil, USA, New Zealand, India, Taiwan, etc.
  • Grown in Okinawa, Kagoshima, etc. in Japan
  • The Japanese name is “蕃 柘 榴” (Banjiro / Banzakuro / Bansekiryu)
  • There are red and white meat types
  • It has a good fragrance and is used for juices and sweets jelly
  • It is said that polyphenols contained in guava leaves are effective for diet and diabetes prevention.
  • When cut, there are many small seeds, and if you eat too much, you may get hungry

Preservation method

  • Wrapped in newspaper and store in refrigerator
  • Store at room temperature when ripening


  • Juice
  • Jam
  • Ice

Food composition table

Per 100g edible portion

Guava(raw)red flesh type

Waste rate 30%
Energy 38㎉
moisture 88.9g
Protein 0.6g
Lipid 0.1g
Carbohydrate 9.9g
Sodium 3㎎
Potassium 240㎎
Calcium 8㎎
Magnesium 8㎎
Rin 16㎎
iron 0.1㎎
Zinc 0.1㎎
Copper 0.06㎎
Manganese 0.09㎎
Vitamin A(Retinol)
Vitamin A(β-carotene) 580㎍
Vitamin D
Vitamin E(Tocopherol α) 0.3㎎
Vitamin K
Vitamin B1 0.03㎎
Vitamin B2 0.04㎎
Niacin 0.8㎎
Vitamin B6 0.06㎎
Vitamin B12
Folic acid 41㎍
Pantothenic acid 0.32㎎
Vitamin C 220㎎
Dietary fiber(aggregate amount) 5.1g

Quoted from the Japanese food standard composition table 2015 edition


Lime ライム

Japanese page
Nutrient content per 100 g

Delicious season


* Display the yearly calendar with each number

Commentary on vegetables

  • Citrus citrus fruit and its origin is the Himalayas
  • Similar to lemon but different
  • Tahitian lime and persian lime are smaller than lemon
  • Something as big as Sudachi is key lime, Mexican lime
  • Most of the products in circulation are imported and produced in Mexico
  • Imports are stable throughout the year so there is no season
  • There are many Ehime and Kagawa prefectures, and the season is from autumn to winter

How to choose

  • Choose dark green and smooth and glossy skin
  • What feels heavy when you hold it is good
  • Hard and non-elastic objects tend to have less juice

Preservation method

  • Put it in a plastic bag and store it in the refrigerator
    (Pay attention to dryness)
  • Wrap the cut Lime in a wrap and store in the refrigerator.
    (Use as soon as possible)
  • Only fruit juice can be frozen
  • Can be sliced ​​and frozen side by side so as not to overlap


  • Cocktails
  • mousse
  • Garnish

Food composition table

Per 100g edible portion


Waste rate 0%
Energy 27㎉
moisture 89.8g
Protein 0.4g
Lipid 0.1g
Carbohydrate 9.3g
Sodium 1㎎
Potassium 160㎎
Calcium 16㎎
Magnesium 9㎎
Rin 16㎎
iron 0.2㎎
Zinc 0.1㎎
Copper 0.03㎎
Manganese 0.01㎎
Vitamin A(Retinol)
Vitamin A(β-carotene)
Vitamin D
Vitamin E(Tocopherol α) 0.2㎎
Vitamin K
Vitamin B1 0.03㎎
Vitamin B2 0.02㎎
Niacin 0.1㎎
Vitamin B6 0.05㎎
Vitamin B12
Folic acid 17㎍
Pantothenic acid 0.16㎎
Vitamin C 33㎎
Dietary fiber(aggregate amount) 0.2g

Quoted from the Japanese food standard composition table 2015 edition



Japanese page
Nutrient content per 100 g

Delicious season

Green lemon


* Display the yearly calendar with each number

Commentary on vegetables

  • Many imports are distributed throughout the year
  • Domestic products are harvested in blue around October (green lemon)
  • American and Chilean lemons account for 70%
  • Wax is used for imported products to prevent mold etc.
  • If you want to use leather, try to choose domestic products as much as possible
  • Abundant in citric acid, which has a fatigue recovery effect

Preservation method

  • Store in a plastic bag to avoid drying
  • When storing at room temperature, make it a week or so.
    (Beware of mold)
  • After cutting, wrap in wrap and store in refrigerator
  • Squeeze fruit juice and store frozen
  • After slicing, it can be sealed and stored frozen


  • dressing
  • Marinated
  • Vinegar
  • dessert
  • juice
  • Cocktails
  • Dry lemon

Food composition table

Per 100g edible portion


Waste rate 3%
Energy 54㎉
moisture 85.3g
Protein 0.9g
Lipid 0.7g
Carbohydrate 12.5g
Sodium 4㎎
Potassium 130㎎
Calcium 67㎎
Magnesium 11㎎
Rin 15㎎
iron 0.2㎎
Zinc 0.1㎎
Copper 0.08㎎
Manganese 0.05㎎
Selenium 1㎍
Molybdenum 1㎍
Vitamin A(Retinol)
Vitamin A(β-carotene) 7㎍
Vitamin D
Vitamin E(Tocopherol α) 1.6㎎
Vitamin K
Vitamin B1 0.07㎎
Vitamin B2 0.07㎎
Niacin 0.2㎎
Vitamin B6 0.08㎎
Vitamin B12
Folic acid 31㎍
Pantothenic acid 0.39㎎
Biotin 1.2㎍
Vitamin C 100㎎
Dietary fiber(aggregate amount) 4.9g

Quoted from the Japanese food standard composition table 2015 edition



Chinese quince(花梨)かりん

Japanese page
Nutrient content per 100 g

Delicious season

Chinese quince

* Display the yearly calendar with each number

Commentary on vegetables

  • It is said to be effective for throat inflammation such as cough and sputu
  • Contains vitamin C, citric acid, malic acid, etc., good for fatigue recovery
  • Raw sour and astringency are strong. Use it as jam or candied fruit Liquor
  • Choose a surface that has gloss and firmness on the surface, no scratches, and a strong fragrance.

Preservation method

  • Wrapped in newspaper and stored at room temperature
  • Ripen when green color remains (store in a cool place away from direct sunlight)
  • Use ripe (yellow) as soon as possible


  • Jam
  • pickled in syrup
  • Sake
  • Jelly

Food composition table

Per 100g edible portion

Chinese quince(生)

Waste rate 30%
Energy 68㎉
moisture 80.7g
Protein 0.4g
Lipid 0.1g
Carbohydrate 18.3g
Sodium 2㎎
Potassium 270㎎
Calcium 12㎎
Magnesium 12㎎
Rin 17㎎
iron 0.3㎎
Zinc 0.2㎎
Copper 0.09㎎
Manganese 0.05㎎
Vitamin A(Retinol)
Vitamin A(β-carotene) 38㎍
Vitamin D
Vitamin E(Tocopherol α) 0.6㎎
Vitamin K
Vitamin B1 0.01㎎
Vitamin B2 0.03㎎
Niacin 0.3㎎
Vitamin B6 0.04㎎
Vitamin B12
Folic acid 12㎍
Pantothenic acid 0.31㎎
Vitamin C 25㎎
Dietary fiber(aggregate amount) 8.9g

Quoted from the Japanese food standard composition table 2015 edition



Japanese page
Nutrient content per 100 g

Delicious season

Yuzu flower

Blue yuzu

yellow yuzu

* Display the yearly calendar with each number

Commentary on vegetables

  • “Yuzu flowers” ​​are white flowers that are used for sashimi decorations.
  • There are various strains, such as thornless and seedless
  • Oni-Yuzu has a large and rugged shape with little fragrance. It is not so tasty, so it is used for “ornamental use”
  • Rich in vitamin C (4 times more skin than fruit juice)
  • Immature green Yuzu has less fruit juice and is mainly used for processed products
  • Ripe “yellow Yuzu” is widely used
  • The white part between the skin and the fruit is bitter

Preservation method

  • Wrap it in newspaper, place it in a plastic bag and store it in the refrigerator.
  • Vulnerable to drying
  • Can be frozen as is
  • Cut the skin to a convenient size, seal and freeze


  • Yuzu tea
  • Ponzu sauce
  • Yuzu miso
  • Yuzu pepper
  • Yuzu salt
  • dressing

Food composition table

Per 100g edible portion


Waste rate 0%
Energy 21㎉
moisture 92.0g
Protein 0.5g
Lipid 0.1g
Carbohydrate 7.0g
Sodium 1㎎
Potassium 210㎎
Calcium 20㎎
Magnesium 11㎎
Rin 11㎎
iron 0.1㎎
Zinc 0.1㎎
Copper 0.02㎎
Manganese 0.1㎎
Vitamin A(Retinol)
Vitamin A(β-carotene)
Vitamin D
Vitamin E(Tocopherol α) 0.2㎎
Vitamin K
Vitamin B1 0.05㎎
Vitamin B2 0.02㎎
Niacin 0.2㎎
Vitamin B6 0.02㎎
Vitamin B12
Folic acid 11㎍
Pantothenic acid 0.29㎎
Vitamin C 40㎎
Dietary fiber(aggregate amount) 0.4g

Quoted from the Japanese food standard composition table 2015 edition



Japanese page
Nutrient content per 100 g

Delicious season


* Display the yearly calendar with each number

Commentary on vegetables

  • Kabosu is a special product of Oita Prefecture
  • It is harvested and shipped in green, and when ripe it turns yellow and the flavor changes slightly
  • Choose one that has a glossy skin and feels heavy.
  • Choose a skin with no dark spots or scratches on the skin
  • How to distinguish it from Sudachi
    (Sudachi is about 50g golf ball size, Kabosu about 150g tennis ball size)
  • About 97% of the whole country is Oita
  • Contains a lot of citric acid, effective in relieving fatigue

Preservation method

  • Put it in a plastic bag and store it in the refrigerator
    (Weak against drying)
  • Can be squeezed and frozen


  • Seasoning the dishes
  • sherbet
  • Source
  • jam

Food composition table

Per 100g edible portion


Waste rate 0%
Energy 25㎉
moisture 90.7g
Protein 0.4g
Lipid 0.1g
Carbohydrate 8.5g
Sodium 1㎎
Potassium 140㎎
Calcium 7㎎
Magnesium 8㎎
Rin 8㎎
iron 0.1㎎
Copper 0.03㎎
Manganese 0.04㎎
Vitamin A(Retinol)
Vitamin A(β-carotene)
Vitamin D
Vitamin E(Tocopherol α) 0.1㎎
Vitamin K
Vitamin B1 0.02㎎
Vitamin B2 0.02㎎
Niacin 0.1㎎
Vitamin B6 0.03㎎
Vitamin B12
Folic acid 13㎍
Pantothenic acid 0.15㎎
Vitamin C 42㎎
Dietary fiber(aggregate amount) 0.1g

Quoted from the Japanese food standard composition table 2015 edition



Japanese page
Nutrient content per 100 g

Delicious season

Outdoor cultivation

House cultivation

* Display the yearly calendar with each number

Commentary on vegetables

  • From November to February, it is sold refrigerated so you can enjoy it year-round
  • High metabolism due to high citric acid content
  • Potassium drains the body’s salt
  • Grated skin can be used for flavoring
  • Smaller and thinner skin than Yuzu or kabosu
  • When squeezing fruit juice, it becomes easier to squeeze it by slightly heating in a microwave oven

Preservation method

  • Put it in a plastic bag and store it in the refrigerator
  • For long-term storage, squeeze the juice into a small bottle and store in the refrigerator.
  • Can be cut, wrapped in wraps and stored frozen without exposure to air

Food composition table

Per 100g edible portion


Waste rate 0%
Energy 20㎉
moisture 92.5g
Protein 0.5g
Lipid 0.1g
Carbohydrate 6.6g
Sodium 1㎎
Potassium 140㎎
Calcium 16㎎
Magnesium 15㎎
Rin 11㎎
iron 0.2㎎
Zinc 0.2㎎
Copper 0.03㎎
Manganese 0.05㎎
Vitamin A(Retinol)
Vitamin A(β-carotene)
Vitamin D
Vitamin E(Tocopherol α) 0.3㎎
Vitamin K
Vitamin B1 0.03㎎
Vitamin B2 0.02㎎
Niacin 0.2㎎
Vitamin B6 0.08㎎
Vitamin B12
Folic acid 13㎍
Pantothenic acid 0.13㎎
Vitamin C 40㎎
Dietary fiber(aggregate amount) 0.1g

Quoted from the Japanese food standard composition table 2015 edition